20220528 NSW Inverell To Delungra, Warialda

20220528 Waking to many Birthday wishes as we pack up and head to Inverell for supplies, but beware of the dreaded Covid, we were told it’s hit the town and spreading, we could skip it but what the hell, it’s everywhere anyway. Then as we drive into Inverell this banner was the first thing I see, gee Des I don’t think it’s Covid we have to worry about, violence seems to be on the agenda this week.

Domestic violence-related assaults were up 26 per cent in Inverell.

Des then takes me to the tiny town of Delungra to celebrate my birthday at the local Pub, he’s such a romantic.πŸ˜• We couldn’t fit in the show ground’s even though there was only two van, but that’s ok because we remember the last time here we walked the back street’s and happen to notice a bitumen slab that’s just perfect to park a van on.  

Sunset over Delungra, not bad if I do say so my self.

With no meals at the pub tonight Des takes me to the local bowels club where I pig out on my favourite travel meal of crumbed chops, salad and chips.

While waited for our meal we watched in amusement as three young lads around the same age as my grandkids, (7,9, & 11) played a game of pool. Typical of three boys who have no idea of the game to squabble over every hit, they would move the white ball to line up what ever ball was over any pocket and that included the black, it certainly made for an amusing night.

20220529 Des woke me just before 6ish when climbing over me to peak out the window when a red Ute pulled up behind us, apparently he seemed suspicious, when I looked out there was a dog sitting on top of his car as if guarding it, then the next time I looked he was gone, ya Des, he was very suspicious. Des went to dump some rubbish and found a heap of items, new and old that the guy in the Ute had dumped beside the rubbish bin, now that’s suspicious, why wound you dump a new soda streamer still in its box and the ironic thing about it Des left ours at home, bonus.

I open the door to a foggy morning while watching the horses grazing on the wet grass unfazed about the chilly weather surrounding them. 

It could be some time before we can leave as we wait for the fog to lift, I’m going back to bed.

The road to Warialda, the question is are we driving into rain or not,😳

We passed Cranky Rock where we stayed on our last visit, skipped Warialda and onto Pallamallawa where we intend to stay in the caravan park to build up our batteries.

A fly by shoot of a blue tree as we pass the town of Warialda, why it was painted I have no idea.

Passing over the bridge that will take us into Pallamallawa.

It’s nice to finally see water flowing through river inlet’s instead of being dried up.



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