20210810 Qld Roma to Wallumbilla

20210810 Stopping at Bungewogoria Creek for a few days while trying and kill some time, once again Des is quick to bate his pots and off he goes up and over the hill when I saw a dog run after him, he turns in time and swings his pots at the dog and yells at the girl on the bank to tie her dog up, Well! did she go off. This chick had four pups and four dogs and is living out of her car, I could here her yelling the she swiftly stormed across the grounds heading my way and still yelling, you need to put your husband on a leash, try as I did to calm her down but in the end I told her not so nicely, where to go, Oo it gets better. The next day we collected wood and one of the campers told us we could have the wood beside his van, well that was another mistake, she started yelling at us for taking the wood, once again I try to talk to her but this girl was so angry it was hopeless, one of the pups ran up to me and she started yelling, DON'T touch him, she recons we were being inconsiderate by taking the wood, talk about a nut case.

20210812 Leaving we half expected the nutter to yell something at us but to our surprise she stayed away, we stopped at Rome to stock up our supplies before heading to Wallumbilla for a few days. As we have been here in the past we know the way to the pub so we put on our walking shoes and head out for lunch at the Federal Hotel.

Des airing his smelly socks or he's trying to kill the tree.

20210814 As hard as we try to kill time, we're getting closer to home as we cross over into the, Southern Queensland Country heading to Miles.

The yellow weed covers the ground and from what I herd it's not good for the cattle, but it's very pretty.

Between Chinchilla and Miles we pass one of the largest solar farm in the country, creating up to 400 jobs and 400 megawatts of renewable energy – enough to power about 235,000 homes.

Stopping at Miles for lunch when I stumbled across a stall full of knitted tea cosies sent in from people all over Australia for the up and coming festival.

This was my favourite.
Established in 1907, The Club Hotel in Chinchilla has long been a favourite meeting place for many locals.

I captured this on a hotel wall, I love the country humor.



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