20210623 Qld Tully

20210623 The time has just turned 10.09 am as we enter, Tropical North Queensland, a tropical region stretching from Cairns to the Torres Strait. Right in our back yard is the magnificent Coral Sea of the Great Barrier Reef off the coast, and lets not forget our outstanding, World Heritage listed tropical rainforests that are scatted throughout the region with Cairns being the largest city.

Stopping at Tully brought back some creepy memories of my the last time here in 2007 when my son Kenny and his mate decided to take my sister and I, white water rafting down the Tully Gourge, well! what a desarster that turn out. To cut a long story short we had just started down the gourge when we hit a steep spot that instantly sandwitched the boat and threw us all out and we scrambled for what ever we could grab onto, at that stage the gourge was running at abour 95%, the most it had run in years. Lucky for us we had a spotter behind us who managed to coax Lisa of the rock she was clining to.

 He eventually got her to swim to me were we clunge to each other shaking and stuck on a rock. Eventually Kenny coaxed us off the rock, by getting Lisa to grabbe his hand, who in turn grabbed my hand. So here was Kenny trying to hang onto both of us with the water streaming passed in the middle of the rappads. Eventually he managed to get us back in the boat where we sat on the floor and hung on to the rope for dear life and didn't move until we reached the bank on the other side were I proptly jumped out never to return, Lisa how ever continued to the end were I picked them all up. 

As we pass Cardwell I managed a fly by shot of the mill bellowing smoke from it's huge chimneys, poluation free of cause, not.

Tully has the reputation of being one of the wettest towns in Australia, with all that rain, the Tully River is one of the best places in Australia to go white water rafting with excellent rapids that range Grade Three to the more challenging Grade Four, Tully is also one of Queensland's largest sugar cane and banana producers.
The main street of Tully.

The Tully Boot
"A Pretty Wet Place"
It is 7.9 metres tall which is exactly the highest annual rainfall ever experienced by Tully. In 1950 the town received 7.9 metres of rain, (311 inches - or, nearly an inch a day every day of the year). The gumboot features a mechanical rain gauge running from the heel to the lip of the boot and inside is a spiral staircase leading to a viewing platform. Along the walls are photos of past floods.

View of the sugar mill

The Tully Sugar Pioneers monument

We passed this sign that reminded me of Annie, my son's beautiful Scottish girlfriend who pronounce's it like "murd-der-ing", one of her sayings when she wants to murder my son and he's such a beautiful man.😂



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