20200822 Qld Brooloo Park

20200822 On our to Brooloo Park, situated on 270 acres in the beautiful scenic Mary Valley to gate crash my brother John's birthday celebration while camping on the Coonoon Gibber Creek. Arriving at the park Des goes to pay and when he mentioned lot 3, the owners eyes light up and to our surprise, NOT, she turned up at 11pm at the camp to tell them to turn the music down, surprise, surprise.

Let the party begin but be sure to turn the music off by 9, god this lot is just getting started by then.

With this lot there's certainly trouble in the camp.

The clan gather to sing the birthday cheers to the birthday boy.

The girls light up the Pavlova happy to finally be rid of it from their camp fridge.

A small gift for our brother to help celebrate his special day, not that he needs anymore alcohol.
Love You Always
Some of the clan gather at the fire for a chat and a few drinks.
This pair are child hood friends and have certainly creating many wonderful memories together and I'm sure there will be many more.
Cheers 🍺🍻

The mind boggles,
"Whats under that Coat Dazza"
The morning after the night before and coffee is the first thing on the menu after a big night and who better to brew it than the birthday boy himself.

Charlie trying to wake up Mum and Dad, feed me or I will poo on your bed.πŸ’©πŸ˜‚

A great weekend was had by all but all good things must come to an end.



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