20190902 Qld Boolba

20190902 We were heading to St George when we spotted a huge dam that look like it could be home to lots of yabbies, will we turn around say’s Des, well I can’t believe you drove past, so back we go.

Sitting in the van blogging and watching all the locals drop in for a bit of refreshments.
He’s happy when catching yabbies especially if their big. 

There’s heaps of wood so why not have a fire as I head off into the shrub wary of those bloody king browns. Here we are sitting in the middle of nowhere, not a sole in sight except the stars slowly filling the sky and the occasional shooting star, even the birds are asleep and the only sound are the trucks heading our way in the distance, then they pass all lit up like a Christmas tree, now this is living.

03-09-2019 We had a great night sitting around the fire listening to our music and we didn’t even try to kill each other, what a nice change.

To fill in some time we take a walk up the road and found a town, well! if you call it a town, it has a population of zero apart from the landholders who are hoping to win a $10,000 upgrade to their clubhouse which to me looks deserted.

Wondering around taken in the sites and the wild goats and emu scatter at your site.
The old tank stands make for a nice rustic photo up against the red soil.
Sorry Des, but I have to run, I don’t want to be like Dick and use my shirt as I hurry back to camp when I run into this guy, I’m not sure who got the biggest fright him or me.

Sitting in the van gazing out the window watching the animals stroll in for a drink, I grab my camera and sneak outside for a photo trying to stay out of sight, don't worry she watching.

These guys were very sceptical while standing on the bank watching our every move then hopping off into the bush waiting for the night fall.

Even the Corella’s pop in for their afternoon drink but don’t hang around
Captured these guys skipping around the bush showing off their pretty colours.

04-09-2019 I’m a bit sad leaving this place but Des has got his quota of yabbies so we head to St George to stock up on supplies.


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