20190602 Qld Jericho

20190602 Travelling east along the Capricorn Highway heading to the little town of Jericho to meet up with Dick for a couple of days. Jericho is a apparently an elaborate joke, coming from an early settler in the 1850's a man named Harry Jordan, after whom the Jordan River was named then some wit, noticed that a settlement was developing on the banks of the Jordan River, decided it should be named Jericho.

Arriving in Jericho we stopped at the pub for lunch and thought, I might phone Dick to join us, and bugger me dead there he was sitting on the pub veranda having a beer. Unfortunately there were no meals today even though the sign out the front says 7 days a week.
The mural on the pub wall depict the early settlers on the Jordan River.
Our first night we sat around the fire on the Jordon but I was a good girl and went to bed early, only because I was fallen to sleep in the chair but Des and Dick stayed up listening to Dick's 6 or so CD's, and even then they got into trouble for having the music to loud and it wasn't even 10 o'clock yet, and they have the nerve to call us the whingeing bago's .
Dick took a photo of all the empties at our door and there were just Desies, bloody piss head.

03-06-2019 We woke to a lovely sunny winters day that just got hotter as the day rolled on then after lunch Dick was keen to walked to town for a beer so I grabbed my camera and off we went.

Ops, it looks like the boys have to wait for the pub to open at 3.30pm as Dick sits and waits Des paces up and down.
Crystal Trumpeters
As a Bicentennial Project the town constructed this monument in memory of the Biblical story where Israelites marched around the wall of Jericho for 6th days then blew their trumpets on the 7th day & watched as the city walls collapsed. The crystals symbolise various moments in the old testament including the slavery in Egypt, parting of the Red Sea, receiving of the 10 Commandments, crossing of the Jordan River & the arrival in the Promised Land.

Joshua the Trumpeter
The sculpture is the latest addition to Jericho's biblical history collection.  Made completely from barbed wire and recycled metal and depicts Joshua calling the wall of Jericho down.
The Jericho Drive In Theatre
Opened in 1969 with the capacity of 34 cars and 34 seats for those who don't want to sit in there car.  The Theatre still operates once a month on a Saturday and it is recognised as the smallest Drive In in Australia.
Well the lads finally got there beer.

Anyone keen to buy a pub because these publicans are so disgruntled, the negative signs splatted throughout the pub.
But the best one is on the menu board.
I Travel 500 KLMS to Buy Salad & Vegies.

This pub has been up for sale for over 6 years and it sure shows on the publican's face, I only hope it sell soon, for their sake.

Not a bad spot to camp on the Jordan River for a couple of days.
The boys chop wood for the fire, well Dick does while Des watches on and I go sight seeing.
These are termite moulds and there sprouting up everywhere.
Des is at it again, Jaffles for dinner and a new treat for Dick.
  Our last night chilling out around the fire.

Thanks For a Great Couple of Day's Dick


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