20120628 Qld Cairns

20120628 Cook discovered Cairns and the journey of his ship the HM Bark Endeavour was not easy as the Great Barrier Reef is difficult to navigate.  At 30ft long, the ship was quite small, and it sustained serious damage when it ran aground on the coral reef.  Despite Cook’s discovery of the Cairns area and the naming of the bay Trinity Bay, it was another 100 years before Europeans returned to the region and settled.  Gold was discovered at Palmer River, east of Cooktown in 1872, thousands of miners arrived beginning a rush that would see Cairns eventually established in 1876.  The name Cairns was chosen to honor Queensland’s first Irish-born Governor, Sir William Wellington Cairns.

Arrived at Kenny (my son’s) and Gaynor’s home at Trinity Park, had a quite night with a few drinks.

Des with Ruby, Kenny's bird.

20120629 Korey was in Brisbane, so I took Liam my grandson and one of his mates to the movies to see Ice age 4, bad mistake, school holidays and the queue was a mile long, but I persevered.

20120630 Des dropped Kenny and I off at the Trinity Hotel for a few drinks, we stayed for a couple of hours and caught the shuttle bus home.  We ended up having a big night with Gary, Kelly and some friends with lots of laughs and some great photos.

Gary, Kelly, Kenny and Ruby the bird and the night only got better.

Des dressed up for the State of Origin, compliments of Gaynor.

 As you can see everyones getting merry.

I have no idea what Ken is doing.

Gaynor and Kenny taken in the side show of one of their friends, friend, not happy Jan, she was a nuta.

01-07-2012   Kelly and I took Liam and his mate to Sugar World hang over and all.  It turned out a lovely day, Liam and his mate had fun running up and down the slides, Kelly and I had a turn each with him which probably did us more good than harm then we lazed around taken in the sun.  

Leaving Sugar World, what a massive tree so I took a photo of Liam underneath it, not that you can see him very well.

Liam and his pooch Albie which he dyed pink and it's a boy, good on ya Liam.  Below Dukie and Albie talk about the odd couple.

Darrel and his grand kids turned up a Kenny’s place and ended up staying the night, Gaynor cooked a corn meat and we all pigged out followed by a few drinks and many laughs, thanks to Darrel.


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