20120224 NSW Moruya

20120224 Moruya situated on the banks of the beautiful Moruya River, a country town in the traditional style with an easy, relaxed lifestyle far removed from the pace of city life.  The name Moruya was derived from an Indigenous Australian word, mherroyah, meaning "home of the black Swan.  The area was the traditional home of two Indigenous Australian tribes: the Wallanga and the Brinja-Yuin.

This was a great spot to camp up for a couple of day, do some fishing lap up the sun and sit back and take it all in.  Des caught a fish and the big sook wouldn't touch it so I had to rescue the poor thing with the help of a fellow fisherman, the tine fish swam free, we didn't catch a thing but the fish were well feed.  We had a great day washed our cloths and frolicked in the sun along with lots of visitors coming and going keeping us entertained for the day then topping it of with a nice cold beer or three.

Wheres the pegs Des?  I can't find them. (Dill)
Our humble abo.
There's a hole in my bucket dear Leonie, then fix it stooped.

Once the tide was low Des had a pig out on the many oysters growing on the rocks (anything for free)

20120225 We did much the same as yesterday relaxing, fishing, and taken in the sun.  For lunch Des cooked Barramunde and I made a salad to die for now a beer to wash it down, nope Grissel guts reckons I'm going to go home a alcoholic so I went fishing and Des disappeared down further eating more oysters.   Stooped dropped his glasses in the water and got the shits he had to come back for his boots, to many oysters down there (that's what he gets for not letting me have a beer) he stripped down to his jocks to retrieve his glasses, I did take a photo of the little weed with no arse but I couldn't embarrass you with it so I kept it to bribe him with.  

With the afternoon came the most amazing sunset so we sat on the rocks drinking a wine,  Des a beer and watched the sky dance in colour.
This is probable a bit of an overkill of photos but it was truly an amazing sight.
Taken in sequence from the first to the last photo.
The sky changed but the seconds.

Well!what do you think not bad hay, now you know what I mean when I say dancing in colour.

The Air Raid Hotel stands on the site of the former Keatings Hotel which was built in 1880. Keatings Hotel had extensive stable buildings, and these were at one time what might be termed in modern language, Moruya Coachport, being the point of arrival and departure of all coaches prior to the advent of the motor car. Its name was changed to the "Moruya Hotel" (under which it is still licensed), though it became known locally as the Air Raid Hotel during WWII.

This statue in modeled noon and is a tribute to a dedicated airman Captain Gus Winckel Netherlands East Indies Air force.


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