20210414 NSW Bingara to Myall Creek Rest Area

20210414 On our way to Bingara to camp at our favorite camps on the Gwydir River for a week, but we are a bit skeptical as the floods waters caused some damage a few weeks ago.  There are four camps free along the river and ours was about 8 ks out of Bingara. Arriving at our special spot we noticed the camp very over grown and the trees had sprouted taller blocking the sun, after checking out the grounds all the spot we taken so we left in search of a new one.  Calling into another camp we walked the unleavened rocky ground and found a spot only it was occupied by a guy sun baking and lucky for us he was hiding behind his car when I noticed he had no cloths on as I backed up, then Des said he had a gee string on, so we promptly left him to his privacy.  We're not having much luck and we're getting frustrated driving around, the camps are either full or we can't access them, disappointed we head to the caravan park.

20210415 Des made the big decision to drive 20ks up the road heading towards Myall Creek were we stopped at Myall Creek Rest Area for the night. There's no town here just a shelter and some council worker fencing.

With no reception I get my jigsaw out and went to work, finally completing the bottom, now to tackle the sky.

The road side shelter is only a week old and is supplied with tables and chairs but no rubbish bins as was the evidence when a zip van called in and when they left leaving their disposable nappy on the ground, some people are such pigs.

We went for a walk and found a running river so we checked it out for yabbies, but it doesn't look promising.

We continue up the hill to a property where the cattle were nestled under a tree, at lest they were until Des disturbed them.

Now to return to camp as we tackle our steep descent, well we're not as young as we use to be.

Back at camp and Des starts preparing dinner while I collect some wood for a small fire tonight and a few drinks to was wash it down.

20210416 The rain is coming so we need to find some solid ground so after breakfast we packed up and tackle another long trip of 23ks to Delungra, but not before we stop at an aboriginal memorial at Myall Creek we were told about.

Before we leave one of the locals call in for a visit while having breakfast.

Another Blog Done and Dusted


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