20240608 Qld Miara, Miriam Vale to Turkey Beach Dick’s

20240608 We arrived at Tony’s house and because his land is uneven Will, his neighbour was kind enough to let us park on his nice lawn. Des always put a jack under the steps for extra support when Tony yelled out, is that so Leonie doesn’t break the steps, No I said it’s in case you want to come in, Ha!Ha got ya. 

I collecting wood from down the back while the boys did nothing apart from bending their elbows drinking beer and because the guys were too lazy, leave it up to the only female.

50 Cans per shelf Tony recons and I’m sure he would know, he fills it every day.😁
So our Tony feed the Kookaburras with a special dog food that’s good for them and his theory is they keep the snakes away.

We had a funny night while sitting around the fire that I built, and the conversation about the people we have all known while downing a few too many beers. Will worked with Dick and knew his brother who was killed in a tragic Crain accident in Darwin many years ago, we certainly live in a small world.

20240609 Tony cooked us breakfast then we stole some water for a shower before saying our goodbyes and heading to Dicks for a couple of day to check out his new pad at Turkey Beach. Turning off to Baffel Creek along Tablelands Rd. 

Passing Mt Maria with the occasional house hidden away amongst the Bushland and the cattle grazing off the land with not a care in the world. 

Arriving at Miriam Vale we stopped for lunch at the Pub, don’t get the crumbed steak it was chewy and grisly but Des’s rissoles looked good. Now onto Turkey Beach to catch up with Dick and to check out his new pad.

That sounds about right 🤔

Here we are at our old mates new pad on the hill and I’m quietly impressed though it’s left me wondering how the hell they got that house up this steep embankment, but there it is.

Dick’s new home on the hill, now all he needs is the electrician and plumber and a few more renovations and maybe a paint job and we have a new home.

And there they are taking in the view, not bad if I do say so.

The kitchen looks relatively new so once the new stove and a fridge is installed Dick can put on his apron and cook up a storm. I’m just picturing Dick in an apron.😳😂

20240610 Dick was shown Des his bike in the container when all of a sudden we heard the neighbour yelling abuse, what the hell, trying to understand him was a problem, apparently we were blocking his view and looking into his lounge from the van. He went as far as to threaten us saying he has guns and that he’s killed before. He said you don’t know where I’m from when I yelled back saying you’re a foreigner. We had to move the van to keep the peace and one of Dicks friends who were camping there recons he was going to get his brows and claim the land is sacred grounds, well! we were all laughing when once again he came out and yelled at us to shut up, this guy has serious issues. We did wake the next morning all in one piece and still had a good time but I think Dick has his hands full with a weirdo neighbour.

Don’t you need a gate to be able to close first.🤔 

Ooo dear, that doesn’t look good and it's bogged right on the fuel tank.

I think the picture says it all, this load is definitely bogged.

Here comes the Caterpillar to the rescue, check out the video at the end.

And I thought Dick was going to do some work as I rush to take a photo and it was all over, is that it.🤷‍♀️
Dick said, ha come and check out my tea tree, he’s such a funny funt.👄

The video shows the caterpillar dragging the bogged truck to safety.

See You Next Visit Mate


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