20240718 Qld Eldsvold, Binjou, Mundubbera, Gayndah to Linville

20240718 After a great night at the Mulgildie Hotel we left for Mundubbera stopping at Eldsvold for Des to stink the van out so I jumped out for some fresh air and took a photo of the the Pub after it’s been done up. With the air smelling a bit clear I hopped back in the van and off we go again stopping in Mundubbera to stretch our leg and walk the town then left. 

Passed this vintage steam train when passing through Eldsvold

The newly renovated Star Hotel Motel, the place to stop for a coldie if you ever pass through the town of Eldsvold.

The road heading through Binjou

The Binjour Water Tank Art is situated on the premises of the Binjour Bowling Club. Painted in April 2015, it offers a historical portrayal of the local town, featuring landmarks such as the post office, the church, and country estates.

Driving over the Les Baker Bridge where below is the Burnett River

Approaching Gaynda we stopped at the Big Orange for a coffee and a photo and brought some freshly picked mandarins then left for BanBan Springs to camp for the second time this trip. It’s been a long trip today, probably the most miles we’ve done this trip 166.5 ks.

One of the monuments at the Big Orange.
Gayndah's Big Orange is a 16-metre tall fibreglass orange that sits on the Burnett Highway in Gayndah, Queensland, Australia. It was built in 2003 to promote the town's orange industry and is now a popular tourist attraction.

Inside the big Orange the walls are lined with a collection of old fruit box labels, the Labels began to appear in large numbers on wooden crates around 1920 and were only superseded in the 1960s by cardboard cartons.

We camped back at Ban Ban Springs for the night where the sun set over the Spring.

20240719 We were actually up early for the first time this trip, we have a long trip ahead of us today, 198ks to Linville to catch up with Geff and Wendy. There’s only a couple of power points at the Linville camp and are hoping to get one of those spots, only I don’t like our chances.

We passed by Lake Barambah, named after the former state premier, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, who gave the green light for the last great dam project in Australia — the Burdekin Falls Dam was started in 1982 and was completed in 1988.

Stopping in Nanango where there’s free showers and a couple of nice cafes where we can have lunch then just down the road is the Peanut Van but the driveway was blocked by about 20 police stopping everyone for a breathalyser, but let us go. 

We slow down to Pass through the town of Blackbutt then over the Blackbutt Range surrounded by Pine Forest. Arriving at Moore the town with no Pub then we turn left towards Linville, just 6ks to go. There were many vans camped up but for some reason not one has taken the powered sites.

We had a great night sitting around a fire with Geff and Wendy at the local Pub telling many funny tales about our adventures and some of the characters we’ve met along the way, we had Geff and Wendy in stitches.

The Linville Hotel, Established in 1904, the house at the rear of the hotel was once connected to the pub but has recently been moved. The Pub has recently gone under new management and although the meals are quite expensive the atmosphere is much more inviting and pleasant.

 Stopped for some fresh fruit and veggies at a street stall then passed over Lake Wivenhoe and headed for home.

 It’s Always Nice To Be Home 


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