20240620 Qld Pinga at Homebush, Kick Start Hotel

20240620 We packed up and left for Ping’s home about 8ks up the road for a couple of days and their to greet us was Johnny, Michelle’s son who I remembered from Ping’s 50th party and a sweet boy with good manners. We plugged into power and was setting up when Ping and Michelle pulled in so we dropped what we were doing and was greeted with a hug. Ya want to go to the Kick Start Hotel for lunch, you bet ya. We all pile into Pinga’s Ram and take the track through the Cane field and over creeks to reach the hidden gem, The Kick Start Hotel.

Built with the Motorcyclist enthusiasts in mind this pub is a must to visit, this is just one of the many bikes scattered around the pub but this one took Desies interest.

It a great venue for that special birthday and you can camp or book a room and they have live music.

Aww! Check out these love birds, Pinga and Michelle after there yummy smoked chicken, lunch the food is to die for with the aroma of the smoked chicken and pork drifts through the venue leaving your mouth watering.

It sure is a dog’s life, bloody spoiled dog.

Some of the quirky items at the pub along with many bikes.
Love these stain glass doors in the design of skulls.

The pub has many memorabilia’s and murals.

There’s a bit of a store where you can buy a T Shirt, Stubby Cooler, Stickers and much more, they must be ok because Des brought himself and me a shirt.

Johnny poses for me in the Flintstone Car, Yaba Daba Do.

Maybe you should stay outside Des🤷‍♀️😂

Once home we pile into Pinga’s buggy to search for some wood but first we stop at his neighbours for a beer and a chat.

The scene opposite Ping’s home up to his neighbours 4000 acre property, now this I can handle, no neighbours or traffic.

Ping’s mate Boof takes to the sky in his motorized parachute machine.

The boys enjoy a beer from the top of the property as we look ahead to Pings home in the distance.

The red circle is Pings house.

Pinga get to work and in no time we have wood to go, load her up Des.

There are many horses that have the run of this property, all I need is a saddle and I’m gone.

Back home and Pings get to work getting the fire going, you go boy.

Found this little critter when I stole some of Ping’s lemons, it called a Spiny Orb-Weaver called "crab spiders" because of their shape, but they are not closely related to the true crab spiders.

Stay Tuned for more Homebush and Beyond


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