20240619 Qld Clairview, Carmila Beach, Sarina to Homebush

20240619 On the road again as we head north to check out Clairview known for its fishing and catching mud crabs, the waters around this area are also a protected area for the endangered dugong. We then turn off onto Carmila Beach Rd that takes you through cane fields to the very point where we jump from the van to check out the area.

Carmila Beach is a lovely stretch of untouched beach  

Des at Carmila Beach checking out the view, the beach front is lined with what looks like holiday homes with their own private beach access.

The water here is so clear you just want to jump right in if it wasn’t for the “Crocks have been sighted here” sign.

We stopped to look for water but there’s non in this town so we checked out The Carmila Hotel, a nice stop for a meal or a nice cold ale.

The interior of the hotel is clean and tidy.

The mural as you enter the male’s toilets.

Yay, we finally got some water at good old Sarina, it’s not the most prettiest town but it serves a purpose for traveler’s passing through, especially the ones in need of water.

Located as we enter Sarina is the Plane Creek Mill that started operations in 1896 and crushes an average of 1.2 million tonnes of sugarcane a year, to manufacture about 180,000 tonnes of raw sugar. Plane Creek Mill’s boilers supply power to the adjoining Wilmar Bioethanol Distillery, where molasses is processed into industrial and fuel ethanol.

This is a three armed seat topped with a large sphere and colourful butterflies glow on the white background in the town of Sarina.

The completed floor mural titled 'a dive into the bluewater'.

Across the road at the Butcher is this impressive mural.

Sitting in the middle of the town is Bufo Marinus, but the locals have nicknamed him 'Buffy', originally crafted out of paper mache in 1983 to become a float for a sugar festival and later it cast in fibreglass to become a fixture in the town, in recognition of Sarina's cane farming history.
Our intention was to stay at the Kick Start Saloon Hotel but unfortunately it only opens Thursday so we drove onto The General Gordon in Homebush for the night. It’s a nice old pub with heaps of atmosphere and good old Aussie hospitality and great food.

Not much has changed in the 125 years since the pub was built in the middle of nowhere near Homebush in 1886, but she is looking a bit old and tattered.

Do Not Park under the Sausage Tree, the nuts a HEAVY.

The so-called sausage tree grows a poisonous fruit that is up to 60 cm (2 feet) long, weighs about 7 kg (15 pounds), and resembles a sausage in a casing, so no I wouldn’t park under that tree.

I found this photo on the wall of the Pub, she a beauty, Nile crocodiles are one of the largest crocodile species in the world and can grow to be over 16 feet long and weigh over 1500 pounds.

Topless waitresses at the Gordon for the next state of origin, aww, and poor Des is going to miss it, it looks like you’re stuck we me.🤷‍♀️

The End


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