20240616 Qld St Lawrence

20240616 Back on the Bruce Hwy and fire has gone through this are and still burning in places, a garage just pooped into view with Diesel at $179 just after Marlborough, cheaper than home. We turned onto the St Lawrence Connection Rd, she’s a bit rough but then again so is the Bruce Hwy. Driving through bush land with not a house in site, not even a car on the road, nop just passed one as we turn into the camp ground, No Fires aloud in the Isaac Region and there’s wood near the fire pit just to annoy me. Before parking up we drove into the town to check out the pub camping, $20 that is redeemable with a meal.

Checking out the pub Des spotted a bloody huge crab pot, that’s not legal he said, yes it is said the grumpy publican, she was not happy with Desie’s comment, he really has a way with words, well we aren’t staying here now thanks to big mouth.

Our first stop was the Post Office to finalise some debts then on the road for some more exploring.

The township was established to service a major port facility which is no longer in use, one of the remaining historical buildings from this time is the Council office, originally built to service the Customs Office for the Port of St Lawrence.

One of the many homes that still line the streets in St Lawrence.

Fresh honey, lemons and limes anyone.

Each afternoon we sat out the back and watched the sun go down over the wetlands while the Roos grazed.

Our daily routine, what are the poor people doing.

20240617 On our bikes again for a bit more exploring, there’s a bridge down the road let’s check it out I said, there’s no bridge Des recons, just follow me I know were to go, off we go and sure enough theirs not just a bridge but the ocean, see I told ya. 

In 2007 a $28 million upgrade to replace 200 existing steel girders and concrete-filled piles with a prestressed concrete bridge.

The project was completed in 2010

Tides in the St Lawrence Creek can rise up to seven metres but they also go out a long way.

For safety, the old bridge was demolished shortly after the new bridge was completed. However, two of the original cast iron, concrete-filled piles were retained to commemorate the original 1919 bridge.

It’s thirsty work biking around so we grab a beer and head to the wetlands and watch the geese take flight to who knows where. Each afternoon they followed the same course but tonight they seemed confused as they’re flying in the opposite direction, we watched a couple fly out and did a complete circle and come into land on the wetlands, just as a plane would, Des and I looked at each other and started laughing, did you see that.

A familiar site as a container train goes by in the distance. 

We actually had a lovely stay in St Lawrence recreation grounds considering there’s really not a lot to do, but we made the most of our stay by taking in the sites on our bikes then sitting back in the afternoon and watch the sun set over the wetlands.

 Beautiful Sunset 


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