
Showing posts from June, 2024

20240621 Qld Eungella Dam, Eungella Chalet to Kinchant Dam

20240621  Pinga takes us to Eungella National Park out through Eaton we turn of to Kinchant following the cane fields we pass Marian, Gargett, the Pinnacle Hotel, Finch Hatton then up the range over winding roads before hitting a dirt road that lead to the Eungella Dam, all the way through these towns are signs, Ban the Dam, a new proposal the government has in mind to destroy more of our beautiful valleys. Well after an hour and a half we arrived at the Eungella Dam, camping is also aloud at a fee of cause but they do have hot showers and toilets.  Underneath Eungella Dam’s waters lie the remains of a cattle station owned by the McEvoy family, whose homestead was removed before the area was flooded, it took four year to build and was opened in 1969. After leaving the Dam we stopped at the Eungella Chalet, b uilt in 1933 as a guest house for people requiring clear mountain air, the Chalet has been a landmark in the local area for decades and the few is spectacular. I take the opportuni

20240620 Qld Pinga at Homebush, Kick Start Hotel

20240620 We packed up and left for Ping’s home about 8ks up the road for a couple of days and their to greet us was Johnny, Michelle’s son who I remembered from Ping’s 50th party and a sweet boy with good manners. We plugged into power and was setting up when Ping and Michelle pulled in so we dropped what we were doing and was greeted with a hug. Ya want to go to the Kick Start Hotel for lunch, you bet ya.  We all pile into Pinga’s Ram and take the track through the Cane field and over creeks to reach the hidden gem, The Kick Start Hotel. Built with the Motorcyclist enthusiasts in mind this pub is a must to visit, this is just one of the many bikes scattered around the pub but this one took Desies interest. It a great venue for that special birthday and you can camp or book a room and they have live music. Aww! Check out these love birds, Pinga and Michelle after there yummy smoked chicken, lunch  the food is to die for with the aroma of the smoked chicken and pork drifts through the v

20240619 Qld Clairview, Carmila Beach, Sarina to Homebush

20240619  On the road again as we head north to check out Clairview known for its  fishing and catching mud crabs, t he waters around this area are also a protected area for the endangered dugong. We then turn off onto Carmila Beach Rd that takes you through cane fields to the very point where we jump from the van to check out the area. Carmila Beach is a lovely stretch of untouched beach   Des at Carmila Beach checking out the view, the beach front is lined with what looks like holiday homes with their own private beach access. The water here is so clear you just want to jump right in if it wasn’t for the “Crocks have been sighted here” sign. We stopped to look for water but there’s non in this town so we checked out The Carmila Hotel, a nice stop for a meal or a nice cold ale. The interior of the hotel is clean and tidy. The mural as you enter the male’s toilets. Yay, we finally got some water at good old Sarina, it’s not the most prettiest town but it serves a purpose for traveler’s

20240616 Qld St Lawrence

20240616 Back on the Bruce Hwy and fire has gone through this are and still burning in places, a garage just pooped into view with Diesel at $179 just after Marlborough, cheaper than home. We turned onto the St Lawrence Connection Rd, she’s a bit rough but then again so is the Bruce Hwy. Driving through bush land with not a house in site, not even a car on the road, nop just passed one as we turn into the camp ground, No Fires aloud in the Isaac Region and there’s wood near the fire pit just to annoy me. Before parking up we drove into the town to check out the pub camping, $20 that is redeemable with a meal. Checking out the pub Des spotted a bloody huge crab pot, that’s not legal he said, yes it is said the grumpy publican, she was not happy with Desie’s comment, he really has a way with words, well we aren’t staying here now thanks to big mouth. Our first stop was the Post Office to finalise some debts then on the road for some more exploring. The township was established to service