20200914 Qld Dalby to Glastonbury
20200914 We arrived at Sue's and usual were greeted with open arm's before we grab a beer and settle in for the night then Richard turns up and we walk his garden when I recognised that same plant I saw in Wandoan, lucky me now I can pinch one for free. Sue cooked a lovely roast as she does then we sat and chatted the night away over a few ales before retiring to bed.
15-09-2020 Before leaving Richard take us to town to check out the new Myall Creek Parkland, a $1.2 million upgrade in Dalby so why Des stocks up his beer supplies Richard and I take a stroll around the new and improved park.
The walkway is part of the upgrade with picnic tables scatted along the way.
Myall Creek, which runs through the heart of Dalby, the well-sealed track follows the creek bank through beautiful parkland to the CBD.
These fellows line the banks but scamper off a the sound of your approach.
This Diver enjoys the sun while perched on this branch.
Richards, next to one of many sculptures scatted throughout the park.
Now give me a cheeky grin, that's not cheeky Richard, the poor bugger the things I make him do.
After saying our goodbyes we then follow Sue and Richard who shows us a new way to Cooyar where we camp up for a couple of night and yes another place we've been before.
16-09-2020 With not much to do Des and I walk to the showgrounds and came across three of McDermott Aviation helicopters that landed to replenish on fuel.
Established in 1982 they began operations as an Aerial Application specialist company, since then they have grown into Australia’s largest privately owned helicopter company that have evolved over 35 years and are currently the industry leaders in Lifting/Aerial Crane Operations, Mosquito and Fire Ant control application, Search and Rescue Operations, and of course Aerial Fire Fighting Employing over 100 staff world-wide, owning and operating over 30 Helicopters. It also offers a large and unique variety of Helicopters making it the worlds largest fleet of the most powerful, single engine, twin bladed helicopter ever produced – the “Big Lifter” Bell 214B, and they are certainly impressive.
Happy Wednesday Drinks, Cheers Glenn.
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