20190415 NSW Binnaway

20190415 We're still in N.S.W we just moved a hop skip and a little jump to a cosy town called Binnaway which sits on the Castlereagh River.  In 2016 the town had a population on 425 people but now many of the shops are closed and what isn't closed has very little stock on the shelves but who are left are very friendly locals, they thought I was a reporter righting a story on there town, well I guess in a way I am.  It is said the word Binnaway derived from an aboriginal term meaning Peppermint Tree.

Although the town is struggling to stay afloat they still manage to take some pride in her with a lovely garden and monuments of the times passed in the centre of the road.
 As we walk along the street there the old  locals enjoying there morning coffee at the local café, I'm sure its probably a regular daily meeting place.
I can’t forget the historic Royal Hotel which in 1956, the movie “The Shiralee” was filmed in and around Binnaway and the cast included Bud Tingwell on the left and Peter Finch.

I've had my afternoon nap so with my camera in toe I walk the streets when I came across another of my favourite shoots, an old railway and silo, which made for some great pic's.  Binnaway was once a major Railway town of large wheat receiving areas.
I know, it's just a old water tank but you must admit they make for a great photo.
As I wonder around I spotted this old railway bridge, these bridges were certainly build to last.

Des spotted these birds flying around, Lee he yelled, check these out as I come running with my zoom lens and captured the pretty coloured Parrots flying free, as they should.

The End


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