20180507 VIC Patchewollock to Walpeup
20180507 What an unusual name for a town ‘Patchewollock’ came from two aboriginal words “putje” meaning plenty and “wallah” meaning porcupine grass. It was 1914 this town came to life but there doesn’t seem to be much life left in her now with only one community store and a hotel, another one of those towns doing it hard but with the added addition of the Art Silo the town is once again on the map.
We camped at Walpeup another one of those $10 camp sites with hot showers and power, I'm not sure if it's due to the Silo Trail or the fact that these deserted town are trying to boost their tourism.
09-05-2018 Off we go for a walk around the town, what town, there is definitely nothing here bar a shop, and the couple sitting inside bored out of there heads, they need a pub in this town.

You never expect to find much in these towns then we saw these unusual shrub, well we thought they were.
Anyone know the names of these shrubs they are really lovely, I want one.

We did intend to stay a few days but Des is getting bored so after our walk we left for Mildura one of Scotty's, Waldo and Desies old stomping grounds back in 1988.
Sadly this is the end of the Silo Art Trail and this guy was painted by one of our own artist from Brisbane, Fintan Magee in 2016. Local farmer 'Noodle Hulland' was chosen for the inspiration of the artwork because he was slim enough to fit the two narrow silos and had "that classic farmer look" embodying the locals' spirit.
While in town take a walk to the Historical Railway where you will also see the larger than life Mallee Fowls around a nest, built from Corrugated iron by artist Phil Rigg in 2013.
A pair of adult Mallee Fowls might hatch up to 200 chicks during their lifetime but the species is struggling to survive due to the loss of habitat.
The main street as you enter Patchewollock (or Patchy as it's known locally) and the Hotel-Motel stands proud on the corner, classed as a gem, the pub has 7 rooms for guest and for $20 per night I say that's a steel.
The Patchewollock Music Festival was formed at the bar one evening when one of the locals said to another “we need some live entertainment in this part of the world” initially thought to be a one off celebration of the “Year of the Farmer’ but it was so successful it was turned into an annual event.
The last service station for 200 miles, just kidding.
The Silo Art Trail is a MUST DO so 'be sure, be sure' to put it on your bucket list, what a truly inspiring journey it was, these artist have done themselves proud not to mention the hope of bring some life back into these lonely towns.
09-05-2018 Off we go for a walk around the town, what town, there is definitely nothing here bar a shop, and the couple sitting inside bored out of there heads, they need a pub in this town.

Anyone know the names of these shrubs they are really lovely, I want one.
Now that's an interesting garden and quite a collection of old wheels.

Then across the road we found these old relics, not me the cars.
The Uniting and Anglican Church in Walpeup.
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